group therapy activities

Group Therapy

Group Therapy Activities

There are multiple types of therapy used in addiction treatment today. These therapies include individual counseling, Family Support, and group therapies. Group therapy activities vary widely from program to program, offering a vast array of opportunities to learn about yourself, grow, and even enjoy social recreation without drugs or alcohol.

What Is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a type of counseling provided by addiction specialists in rehab. Individual counseling takes place one-on-one with an addiction counselor. As a complement to individual counseling or stand-alone type of counseling, group sessions usually involve peers near or at the same point in their recovery. The group’s goals include symptom reduction and recovery.

A trained counselor leads group sessions and guides participants toward their goals. Most group participants have no pre-established relationships outside of the group. In many ways, this “stranger” aspect fosters honesty among peers.

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Counselors conduct groups in a variety of settings, such as in residential inpatient treatment, outpatient programs or aftercare support programs. Other settings include holistic or experiential environments, such as outdoors, in a fitness center, or in a classroom.

If you’re serious about recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, group therapy activities give you effective skills for avoiding relapse. You also learn about yourself and how others see you.

Advantages of Group Therapies

Group therapy activities offer many advantages. These types of counseling work well with individual therapy, even providing things individual counseling cannot. Benefits of group therapies include:

  • Gaining education about recovery
  • Gaining support and motivation from your peers in recovery to reach your goals
  • Providing you with problem-solving skills and awareness through others’ experiences
  • Empowering you in helping your peers grow and learn
  • Teaching you healthy coping skills and relapse prevention
  • Improving and maintaining structure in your life
  • Building self-esteem, optimism, and belief in healthy recovery

Other benefits of group therapies include the relationships you build with peers. These relationships support you outside of group, for many years to come. These relationships grow and change, particularly as peers challenge your irrational beliefs in healthy ways and other members confront your poor decision-making. Not all group days are easy, but challenging sessions create change and modify your behaviors.

Is Group Therapy Right for You?

In order to get the most out of group therapy, you need to attend a group meeting your individual needs with peers in a position similar to yours. To know if you are a good fit for a group, the group leader considers your treatment needs, emotional stability, and stage of recovery.

There are multiple ways group therapies help addiction treatment. Therapists typically lead five different types of group addiction therapy:

  • Psychoeducational Group: This group focuses on feelings, conflict resolution, anger management, trauma, health and wellness, prevention, family roles, and culture.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Group: Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you resolve conflicts, build new skills, manage your anger and other feelings, prevent relapse, and strengthen early recovery.
  • Skills Development Groups: Skills development groups are similar to CBT groups but add relaxation training, life-skills training, and meditation practices.
  • Interpersonal Process Groups: Process groups help you recover from trauma and abuse. These groups also use psychotherapy and explore broader topics.
  • Support Groups: Support groups in addiction treatment and aftercare focus on preventing relapse, healing from trauma, exploring spirituality, using ceremonial healing practices, and talking about gender-specific subjects.

There are other types of groups involving group therapy activities. Some of these group therapy activities include adventure activities, marathons, arts, music, and ceremonial healing.

Group Therapy Activities in Southern California

In Southern California, Serenity Lodge provides residential and intensive outpatient addiction treatment programs with a variety of group therapies. These groups focus on unique needs of peers in addiction recovery, as well as the beautiful setting and amenities of Serenity Lodge. Serenity Lodge’s amenity-rich environment is the perfect place to focus on your own recovery while taking part in activities well-suited for your healthiest future.

Amenities of Serenity Lodge include:

  • Professional recording studio
  • Private movie theatre
  • 1,500 square foot fitness therapy gym
  • Golf and racquetball
  • Swimming pool and sauna
  • Meditation therapies
  • Nutritional prepared mealsal therapy

If you or someone you love suffer addiction and seek lasting recovery, call Serenity Lodge now at (855) 932-4045. Through quality, focused and goal-oriented treatment you can enjoy lasting recovery.