If you’ve begun the search for drug rehab help in your area, you aren’t alone. Thousands of people just like you need professional help overcoming a problem with addiction. While the choice you’ve made takes courage, don’t waste this opportunity by settling for just any rehab center. Instead, take your time and locate a rehab that can offer you individualized and comprehensive treatment. Find out why Serenity Lodge Lake Arrowhead fits the bill.

Why Seek Professional Drug Rehab Help?

Woman in Need of Drug Rehab HelpIf you’ve ever tried to stop abusing drugs or alcohol on your own, you know that quitting isn’t easy. Over time, your body has grown accustomed to receiving mind-altering substances. In fact, your addiction has altered your brain’s chemical makeup. Your body’s most important organ now believes that it needs the substance in order to feel and function “correctly.” If you suddenly stop or reduce your dosage, you’re likely to experience a series of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Your path to recovery is waiting
and we’re here to help.

Our admissions specialist are available 24/7 to listen to your story
and get you started with next steps.

Why call us?

Drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable for users. While symptoms are usually non-fatal, they can become intense enough to draw users back into the cycle of abuse. Even individuals who sincerely want to get clean may relapse when symptoms peak.

The safest and most effective method for getting through the dreaded withdrawal phase is professional detox in a managed setting. Trained professionals will be ready to handle any possible complications that may arise while toxins filter out of the body. They’re also available to help ease the burden of symptoms and monitor overall progress.

If you need help removing harmful toxins from your body, Serenity Lodge Lake Arrowhead offers detox referrals. While we don’t perform detox at our center, we can arrange for you to undergo detox at a nearby location. Once you’ve completed detox, you’ll be ready to begin subsequent treatment at our facility.

Our Programs

If you’re ready to receive drug rehab help for substance abuse, Serenity Lodge Lake Arrowhead is eager to handle your recovery needs. We offer an assortment of addiction treatment programs and therapies to guide users toward recovery. It doesn’t matter how long or how heavily you’ve been abusing drugs or alcohol. Our professionals—many of whom are in recovery themselves—can help you reach your long-term goals.

Some of the addiction therapy techniques we use include:

The majority of your time at our center will be spent working towards full recovery. In your downtime, however, you can enjoy amenities like our onsite wellness center, professional recording studio, and movie theater. We also have a pool, and 12-person sauna, as well as an area for playing golf and racquetball.

As you can see, your rehab experience doesn’t have to be dull or uncomfortable. We’ve taken every measure possible to ensure our facility feels safe and accommodating for everybody who entrusts us with their care. Helping you to beat addiction and turn your life around is our top priority. From start to finish, we’ll remain committed to assisting you through each step of the recovery journey.

The Path to Enduring Recovery Begins Here

Don’t lose yourself while struggling to overcome addiction on your own. Professional and compassionate rehab treatment can help you beat addiction and start rebuilding your life. To find out more, call Serenity Lodge now at (855) 932-4045.