• SEPTEMBER 1, 2017

    Drug Addiction in the Brain

    There’s no debating it: addiction is a disease. Scientific studies about drug addiction in the brain ended that debate a long time ago. We now know what separates the average brain from someone who struggles with addiction. We also have more information on…

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    • AUGUST 30, 2017
    What is Anxiety?

    What is Anxiety?

    Anxiety is the most common mental disorder that adults suffer from in the United States. Generalized anxiety disorder is the most common in adults, and features symptoms such as: Muscle tension Sleeping problems Difficulty concentrating Restlessness and irritability…

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    • AUGUST 28, 2017
    What is Suboxone?

    What is Suboxone?

    At drug rehab facilities, you may hear medical professionals talk about a substance called suboxone. But exactly what is suboxone? The short answer is that it’s a partial opioid that medical professionals typically administer to treat pain and heroin addictions….

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    • AUGUST 27, 2017
    What Is Alcoholism?

    What Is Alcoholism?

    What is alcoholism? It’s a word that people commonly throw around, but what exactly does it mean? Alcoholism is a common term used to describe an alcohol use disorder. Those that suffer from an alcohol addiction may not even know that they have a problem….

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    • AUGUST 17, 2017
    What Are the Stages of Alcoholism?

    What Are the Stages of Alcoholism?

    Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug in the United States, which is why many people don’t realize how dangerous it is.  In our daily lives, we’re almost encouraged to partake. From happy hour with coworkers to guys’ night out, the commonality of alcohol…

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