Effective Treatments for Drug Addictions

When you struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction, it’s far different from occasional recreational or even medicinal use. In fact, people with an addiction will feel the tentacles of dependency reaching into every corner of their life. If you’re a casual substance user, you can choose to stop without difficulty. Conversely, men who are dependent on substances seek to acquire their drug of choice by any means necessary. That’s why it’s important for people dependent on drugs or alcohol to seek the best treatments for drug addictions.

Red Flags that Point toward Addiction

Man in Search of Treatments for Drug AddictionsPerhaps you’re wondering if you or someone you love has crossed the line that separates casual use from dangerous addiction. While it’s important to acknowledge that each person unique issues behind their substance abuse, there are some commonalities. Take action if you see the following behaviors:

Your path to recovery is waiting
and we’re here to help.

Our admissions specialist are available 24/7 to listen to your story
and get you started with next steps.

Why call us?

  • Cravings for the drug and an obsession to obtain it
  • Withdrawal symptoms if the person attempts to stop using the drug
  • Poor judgment and engaging in risky behaviors
  • Sudden financial difficulties
  • Neglect responsibilities and stop engaging in activities and hobbies they once enjoyed
  • Isolation or, alternatively, associating with a new peer group

If you or someone you love exhibits any of these symptoms, the time has come to seriously consider learning more about treatments for drug addictions.

Types of Addiction Treatments

In recent decades, professionals in numerous disciplines have recognized the terrible toll that drugs and alcohol are taking on people’s lives. In response, rehab facilities have developed numerous treatments for drug addictions.

Some are rooted in religious practices while others are secular. Some addiction treatment programs take place at residential inpatient facilities for an extended period of time. Other modalities like an intensive outpatient program require men to attend individual and group therapy on a regular basis without interrupting their everyday routine. In the end, addiction treatment programs are as varied as the population they serve. If you or someone you love is addicted to alcohol or drugs, there are countless treatment options from which you can choose.

The Serenity Lodge Difference

If you’re a man who is burdened with a drug or alcohol addiction, Serenity Lodge might be exactly the solution you need. Our 22-acre treatment facility is the envy of the industry for several reasons.

Our top-tier staff members are experts in addiction treatment. In fact, many of them bring the added benefit of being in active recovery themselves. Furthermore, we take the time to customize each of our Clients’ treatment regimens to meet his unique medical, psychological, and addiction situation. We draw from a deep well of modalities in order to ensure that each of our Clients move forward with toward recovery.

If you become a Client at Serenity Lodge, you can expect to receive a personalized combination of the following services:

  • Medically supervised detox off-site at our partner facility
  • Evidence-based addiction therapies
  • Individual, group, and family counseling
  • Outpatient and alumni programs designed to support you long after you’ve graduated

In addition, Serenity Lodge offers amenities that promote health and recovery while enriching you as a whole person. We offer sports and physical fitness, a professional recording studio, a movie theater, massage, meditation, and nutritional, prepared meals to all of our Clients because we recognize that healing is much more than physical wellness.

If you’re seeking a compassionate, spiritually-oriented treatment program that will help you get to the root causes of your addiction and support you throughout your journey toward total healing, call Serenity Lodge today at (855) 932-4045.

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