When it comes to hallucinogenic drugs, many people have heard of LSD. Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann first found LSD in 1938. It wasn’t until 1943 that the mental effects of LSD came to light. It’s important for people to know both the short- and long-term effects that LSD has on the mind and body.

What Is LSD, and Where Does It Come From?

Visual Distortions Are One of the Effects of LSDLSD is short for D-lysergic acid diethylamide. It’s a chemical that comes from the fungus that grows on rye. LSD has various street names, including:

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  • Acid
  • Sugar cube
  • White lightning
  • Dose
  • Blotter

Doctors consider LSD less harmful than drugs such as heroin, alcohol, and cocaine. However, long-term use can still cause a number of psychological problems. For example, LSD overstimulates the serotonin receptors in the brain that control the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for a person’s fight or flight response.

Short-Term Effects of LSD

The short-term effects of LSD produce symptoms that are similar to psychosis and only last between six and 10 hours. When people are under the influence of LSD, they usually call it a “trip.” While tripping on LSD, people see visual hallucinations. Sound, smell, and touch all seem more intense.

In some cases, people say that their senses start to bleed together. For example, they can see sounds or hear colors. Other short-term effects include impulsive behaviors, mystical sensations, and out-of-body experiences.

Long-Term LSD Effects

Doctors continue to study the long-term effects of LSD. In some cases, people experience more and more bad trips. A bad trip occurs when the hallucinations aren’t pleasurable and come across as frightening. They can last from weeks to months, which doctors call hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD).

HPPD can occur after taking LSD for the first time, but such an occurrence is rare. People increase their chances of developing HPPD the more often that they use the drug. Studies show that those who take LSD for longer than a year have a higher risk.

Some people start to exhibit the onset of other psychotic episodes. After taking LSD for long periods of time, they may suffer from visual disturbances, mood disturbances, and paranoia. In some cases, they have to manage these issues with antipsychotics and antidepressants.

Is LSD Addictive?

Most doctors agree that LSD doesn’t produce a physical dependency. However, long-term LSD use increases tolerance, meaning users have to take more in order to feel the desired effects. Eventually, they run the risk of overdose because they take too much.

In some cases, LSD addiction can act as a gateway to other more addictive drugs. Instead of taking more LSD, people switch to stronger substances such as heroin.

In either case, the effects of LSD on the body are harmful. Both the short- and long-term effects of the drug cause reason for concern. People also have to buy LSD illegally on the street. Sometimes drug dealers lace it with other chemicals that are addictive.

Let Serenity Lodge Help You Overcome Your Need for LSD

At Serenity Lodge, we help people overcome drug addictions and learn to thrive in their sobriety. We strive to find the root cause so that you can avoid relapse later. Some of the different addiction treatment programs that we offer include:

We offer a number of amenities that you can take advantage of as well. For example, we provide yoga, acupuncture and massage programs. These services reduce stress and make it easier for you to focus on rehab.

Take the first step to a substance-free lifestyle. Call Serenity Lodge today at (855) 932-4045.