• SEPTEMBER 13, 2017
    The Dangers of Recreational Drug Use

    The Dangers of Recreational Drug Use

    There’s no safe or responsible way to use drugs. Some people abuse drugs but justify it by saying that it’s occasional or recreational. However, even recreational drug use comes with a wide range of risks. Health Risks Perhaps the most obvious dangers of…

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    • SEPTEMBER 10, 2017
    The Cycle of Addiction

    The Cycle of Addiction

    Think about addiction, and ask yourself what form it would take. Perhaps it’s a straight line pointing toward the ground or a downward spiral representing despair. More likely, it’s an endlessly turning wheel as cyclical as the changing of the seasons. When…

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    • SEPTEMBER 1, 2017

    Drug Addiction in the Brain

    There’s no debating it: addiction is a disease. Scientific studies about drug addiction in the brain ended that debate a long time ago. We now know what separates the average brain from someone who struggles with addiction. We also have more information on…

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